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Editorial: VSU should begin spirit days as a tradition during homecoming week

Homecoming week is the most exciting time of year for college students. As we are halfway through the week, we reflect on the fun traditions that Homecoming offers. 

The week of Homecoming is filled with celebration and school spirit. That sparks the question; why are spirit days not included in the festivities? 

As many may remember from high school, spirit days are a fun tradition during the week of Homecoming that allow students the opportunity to have fun and express their school spirit in their own individual way.  

Different schools have different days such as character day, pajama day, jersey day and student professor swap day.  

Spirit days are more common among middle schools and high schools, but colleges should participate as well. It will add a new aspect and experience to our years at college and add to the childhood nostalgia that we miss.  

We at The Spectator believe that Valdosta State University should try one year to include spirit days in Homecoming week.  

This will test the university’s student engagement and get an estimate of how many students would participate. It will also allow the university to see if spirit week can begin a new tradition for VSU.  

It would be great to see the creative ideas that organizations on campus could produce.  

Spirit days would be a positive addition to current traditions and festivities that already occur at the university.  

We believe by doing this, it will give students more to look forward to and feel motivated to participate during Homecoming week. There could even be events throughout the week based off the theme of the day.  

Since many colleges do not have spirit days, VSU would be a step ahead of the average college. This may also influence other colleges in the state and surrounding states to include these days during their homecoming week as well. 

There are not too many negative comments to make on the spirit week experience. It was always exciting in high school to see the different outfits and how much thought and effort students put into the week.  

The opportunity is presented for students to stray away from what they typically wear on campus and in class.  

The idea of a “most school spirit” prize could be presented as well to add any incentive for those who are not sold on the school spirit.  

But for not, let us enjoy the traditions and festivities that are already in place! 

This editorial reflects the general opinion of The Spectator. 

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