Home / Campus Life / Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration

Written by Armone Gates, Campus Life editor.

On Monday, Jan. 20, the NAACP chapter, Career Opportunities & Volunteer Services, Communities & Belongings Campus and The Mighty Mu Omicron chapter hosted their yearly annual MLK Jr. Day Celebration. 

This celebration was a three-part event that took place from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., beginning with a celebration around campus. The walk started at the University Center and ended at the steps of the Student Union. 

After the walk, refreshments were served in the Student Union ballrooms along with the MLK program, featuring guest speakers Adrian Reeves and Jayden Williams. 

Adrian Reeves is an outreach representative for the office of Sen. Raphael Warnock and Jayden Williams is the former youth and Georgia State College President. 

Students who attended were also able to receive community service hours for participating in the OneBlood drive. 

The event took place to celebrate the life of Martin Luther King Jr. and the legacy that he left behind for generations and generations to come. 

There was a plethora of other Black student led organizations in attendance such as the National Council of Negro Women, Collegiate Women and The Divine Nine Chapter. 

The NAACP works to ensure equal rights and opportunities for all, regardless of race and advance civil rights through democratic action. 

 The President of SGA, William Burnette, elaborated on what Blazers could get out of the celebration. 

“Definitely knowing the history of MLK Jr and what he stood for within our community. Also, still applying his beliefs and legacy within our lives today,” said Burnette. 

Mrs. Black & Gold and Black Student League member Jela Byrant discussed what she loves the most about celebrating MLK Jr. Day. 

I just love that we can all be Black and beautiful and celebrate our history together. Also, the fact that we are free and able to function just the same as everyone else, said Bryant. 

 Freshman Sociology Major Ta’javmyn Taylor shared her favorite MLK Jr. Quote: 

“If  you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”  


Photo courtesy of  Sandra Y.G. Jones.

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