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I Can Do Bad All by Myself, Because Surely No Help Was Needed

By Kristin Shannon

Last Friday, Tyler Perry’s “I Can Do Bad All by Myself” opened nationwide.  Despite taking in $24 million and placing number one at the box office opening weekend, I initially had no desire to fork over the $8.50 from my very bare wallet. 

While I am a Perry supporter, I predicted that this movie, like all of the Madea films, would fall short of spectacular.  Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy Perry’s productions, but most of his films follow the same format: an abusive partner, a damaged child, a neighborhood church, an alcoholic or junkie woman, and a fine, caring, but ultimately broke man.

“I Can Do Bad All by Myself” did not fail to fall into Perry’s signature storyline.  While I was not thrilled that Madea only appeared in the first 20 minutes of the film, it was to be expected.  She usually is the immediate comic relief as opposed to being a lead character in the main plot.

This film focused more on Taraji P. Henson’s character and the drama surrounding her relationship with her deceased sister’s children.  Usually, I don’t like the exaggerated plotlines in Perry’s films because they are such a depressing contrast to the humor associated with Madea.

However, the quick and funny one liners from the cast, combined with the good looks and almost too sweet personality of Adam Rodriguez‘s character, helped hold my attention during an almost too predictable movie.

Ultimately, I only have three minor issues with this movie. First, Madea didn’t have enough screen time.  Next, there was too much singing and the way Mary J. Blige sang her first song didn’t flow right.  Lastly, I really hated Brian White with a shaved head.

If you are an avid Tyler Perry supporter, regardless of the critics, then you won’t be disappointed with this film.  On the other hand, the predictability of this film may be a huge flaw for some moviegoers.  Therefore, I suggest waiting for a good bootleg….I mean, waiting for the movie to go to HBO.

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