Home / News / Org Life / Kappa Pi brings all art styles together

Kappa Pi brings all art styles together

Molly Deaton
Staff Writer

 The art club Kappa Pi is more than just a regular art club. It is an honorary art fraternity (eta theta chapter) that was founded last year by Maegan Moore and Izzy Garcia, who have both now graduated.
  The club was started for art majors but has evolved into anyone being interested in art; because the club is really trying to expand its diversity of artists it has expanded into being open for all majors.
 Students who do different kinds of art are usually separated because they are in different classes. This club allows for students in interior design, art education, and fine arts to come together and get to know different kinds of ability. However, members must have a 3.0 GPA in their art class and a 2.5 GPA in their other classes to be a member of Kappa Pi and art majors are the only members that can vote for officers in the club.
 Jeni Morris, vice president of Kappa Pi, is very excited about this year and says that the club is off to a great start.
 Last Friday, the honorary art fraternity held a “live painting event” on Palms quad, which consisted of painting and drawing while the band, “Odase Trio,” played a live performance. This kind of live performance from the artists, as well as from the band adds heart to the school and gives students something to stick around for on campus.
  In addition to the live painting event, the club made and drew on cards for the Heritage House Assisted Living residents as part of community service.
 According to Morris, there is much more planned for this semester, including a haunted house at the public library, trips to different galleries around Valdosta, as well as a trip to the High Museum in Atlanta for members to get a feel of different art exhibits.   There is also another live activity in November, and the date will be listed in the Campus Activity Board. For more information about Kappa Pi, visit vsukappapi.ning.com.

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