Home / Opinions / Rants and Raves: October 29th, 2009

Rants and Raves: October 29th, 2009


                I think it’s great that there are so many students taking interest in breast cancer awareness and domestic violence awareness this month. Things like the “Handprint Project” and “Saving lids to Save Lives” are two great ways to participate and show that you care. These are two pressing issues that are affecting more and more young people every day. The more awareness that we spread, the more attentive people become to these two topics.


                I find it very frustrating that at the end of every semester, it feels like all classes bombard students with huge projects and papers. I know that a lot of courses are comprehensive and big projects at the end of the semester are the best way for students to fully understand the content of the course. However, I wish there was a way to alleviate the stress of some students and move some of the more grade-weighted projects towards the beginning of the semester so that there is more time to focus on finals for all classes.

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