The executive board and senate of SGA discussed Information Technology and donating to Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, nominated a new president pro tempore, and heard announcements from standing committees at this Monday’s meeting.
The first order of business was to hear from Joe Newton, Director of the Division of Information Technology. Newton first described to the senate the breakdown of the money allotted to Information Technology (IT), including the $48 student fee, which is used for equipment and supplies.
The funds allotted to IT are governed by a committee comprised equally of students and faculty. Newton suggested that the senate consider integrating their technology committee with IT.
The second presentation was given by Dorothy Philips and Christopher Brandon.
Philips has worked with the Ora Lee West Girl Scouts for 15 years, and Brandon started out in the Club Scouts as a child and now continues to volunteer and mentor for the Boy Scouts.
Brandon spoke of the sense of belonging he found being involved with Club Scouts and suggested that the same sense of belonging could keep kids from getting involved with gang violence.
The Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts also asked SGA for a donation to their organizations, but because of rules set in place stating that SGA cannot use student fees to help an outside charity, other plans are being made. These plans include a possible community service project or fundraiser, and the possible reinstatement of VSU’s chapter of Girl Scouts and distributing funds through them.
Both the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts are in need of mentors. To be a mentor, visit the Girl Scout and Boy Scouts website, and fill out an application.
Next, Senator Aaron Gibson, who was running unopposed, was elected as the SGA’s president pro tempore. The president pro tempore presides over the chamber in the absence of the normal presiding officer. (The phrase “pro tempore” means “for the time being.”)
Senator Ernest Prencke then suggested that SGA buy ad space in the Spectator. As in the previous meeting, the suggestion was met with questions and concerns about the cost. After some debate, the motion to allocate funds to a committee for the purpose of advertising in the Spectator was voted on, and failed to pass.
Near the end of the meeting, several other announcements were made. These announcements included the Auxiliary Service Budget meeting being held Nov. 20 at 11 a.m. in the Cypress Room,which was later rescheduled and the Great American Smoke Out, being held this Thursday from 11a.m. to 2p.m. on Palms Quad, to encourage students to quit smoking. The Smoke Out will include a raffle where students can trade in cigarettes for a chance to win prizes.
SGA is also ready to present parts of the newly redrafted constitution to the student body, and plans to have the students vote today.
Tags 2009-11-19 2009-2010 Ariel Felton
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