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Checking around for some fun downtown

Downtown is certainly diverse in their stores and entertainment facilities, all ready for exploration. Taking a look around at some of the fliers in valdosta, you can see things like local bands at Vito’s Pizzeria and Lounge, now on N Patterson St, or enjoyed the coffee of Hildegard’s., First Friday or local clubs like Glo Ultra Lounge and Sensations. You be surprised at what you can find downtown. Here are a few highlights
The Bleu Café is part of a three store series, the other two being Bas Bleu Brasserie and the Bleu Q Pub. All three are owned by Valdosta councilwoman, Deidra A. White. The Bleu Café offers a wide variety from Italian to Mexican with some stir fry, seafood and BBQ in between. Happy Hour is from 5-7 pm everyday, and the Bleu Café provides a range of beverages. With steady days and busy nights, the Bleu Café is visited by a variety of people.
“We offer great food, a great atmosphere, it’s locally owned and centrally gated,” Jennifer Keene, Bleu Café employee, said
The Bleu Café is an ideal place to go when your parents come to visit or your friends just want to go eat somewhere a little different than the standard Chili’s or Applebee’s.
Out of the restaurants and into the streets for the unique stores you can only find downtown, Vintage Dragonfly is the next destination. The display windows draw you in with its colorful array of assorted items that just gives you just a mere taste of what’s to come. You walk into a cluttered but lively environment cramped with antiques, candles, jewelry, clothes, pictures and all sorts of eclectic gifts surrounded by lighted Christmas Trees and a bubbling fountain. Local artist, Katie Marpel, has been the owner for four years this March. Retired air force, Katie Marpel has worked out of her home for 30 years before she started the Vintage Dragonfly.
“We have old and new. I prefer vintage but have new things,” Said Marpel.
The Vintage Dragonfly certainly blends the past with the present.
Another key spot that seems to just tie Downtown together would be the City Market. The City Market has everything, it seems, and is separated into sections, clothes on the side, artwork from more local artists in the back, and a café at front. VSU graduate student Jessica Newman owns the City Market with her mother, Kim Newman. Mrs. Newman sold her business of Jessie’s Sweets and Treats, still in business a street or so over, to help her daughter run the business.According to Kim Newman, Jessicagraduated three years ago with a marketing degree and is now working on her management degree and expecting to graduate this May. Kim Newman says the best part of the City Market is the café.
“It’s best for me to have college students come in and study and drink coffee,” said Newman
The café offers free wi-fi and a calm atmosphere that certainly does make it a good study environment.
Downtown certainly has a lot to provide from First Friday to the performances at the Theatre Guild to the nightclubs and unique shops. It is a great escape from the hustle of main Valdosta and gives something a little different to offer.

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