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Athlete joins the SGA

It’s not hard to notice Demario Jones, senior defensive tackle, in SGA meetings as the only athlete on the senate, but many don’t know Jones’ leadership thrives on and off the field. Jones’ imposing presence is noticed by visitors and his fellow senators alike.
As of now, Jones is the only athlete in the SGA. Jones is a second semester senior with a political science major. This is his fourth season as a football player and second year as team captain for VSU’s football team.
Jones says being a football player in the SGA is part of his responsibility as a student.
Although this is Jones’ first semester in the SGA, he is already making moves to have the student voice heard. Jones currently serves as a Senator on the Senate Judiciary Board and Co-Chairman of University Conservation.
“It’s the students’ responsibility to know how their money is used,” Jones said.
Jones has always had an interest in student government. Since high school, Jones has felt an obligation to be a part of the action in the student government.
Seeing and understanding how everything works is another reason Jones is interested in student government. He feels the student government has a purpose of serving students but understands it can be somewhat confusing.
Jones’ coach and team members support his move to join the SGA. “They consider me to be a President-type,” Jones says.
Government isn’t his only interest. Jones also loves to help kids and give back to his community by participating in community service.
“I want to leave a lasting positive impact,” Jones says.
He also hopes to pave the way for his team members and other student athletes to take part in the student government.
SGA also keeps Jones busy since his ACL injury has prevented him from playing football recently. Other benefits for Jones being in the SGA include working directly with the students and being able to speak on behalf of his peers.

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