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Arguing ensues at SGA meeting

In the most recent SGA meeting, President Kelli Cody presented the senate with more information concerning the Rally at the Capitol event. The senate also attempted to vote on a new dress code, community service requirements and bylaws, but failed to pass anything due to the outbreak of several arguments between the senators and the executive board.
Cody passed out a packet that informed the senate that everyone wishing to be a part of the Rally at the Capitol to protest the budget cuts should meet at Hurk Park, 106-116 Edgewood Avenue SE in Atlanta at 8:30 a.m. The group will then leave at 9:30 a.m. to walk the three blocks to the capitol. Meetings with sub-committee members will begin at 11 a.m. and the official rallying ends at noon.
“All are encouraged to stay until the end of the day when session lets out [at 5 p.m.], but those that may have been there for many hours may break for lunch as the senators and representatives will as well,” commented Cody.
The packet also listed several parking locations, including 100 Edgewood Ave, 17 Courtland St., and 43 Auburn Ave, the three closest places to park.
Next, the senate brought up the proposed dress code policy that had been tabled from the week before. After some discussion, the dress code policy was tabled indefinitely.
The senate also attempted to vote on a community service bill, drafted by Senator Jaquita Graham, head of the community service committee, that would require all members of SGA to participate in community service for ten hours per semester.
After opening the floor up for discussion, questions and amendments, the debate became somewhat heated. President Cody and Vice-President Chris Nish seemed to be disregarding the proposal, cutting out portions of it without Graham’s approval. Graham asked what the purpose of the community service committee if community service hours were not being allocated to senators. The issue was tabled for the next meeting.
The senate was then presented with newly proposed bylaws concentrating on the rules for SGA elections. The discussion started out well, but became heated as well, and senators began speaking out of turn. “I question the validity of all these votes,” Senator Holloman stated. The executive board attempted to keep the senate in order, but this effort caused members of the senate to turn against the executive board, questioning parliamentary procedures.
Senator Demario Jones accused Cody of speaking to him out of turn by answering a question he had directed at Nish. Senator Michael Holloman accused Cody and Nish of not counting quorum correctly or of changing the definition of quorum, as quorum is 2/3 of the senate but there are six empty seats, which means 29 senators must be present for quorum. Holloman argued that the 2/3 was of all actual members, which would make it 33. He also cited the cumbersome process a member had to go through at last week’s meeting in order to vote after being late, and questioned the voting and procedures in general. Holloman was unavailable for comment.
Several senators attempted to quiet the room by reminding the rest of the senate of the business at hand. Senator Austin Tilton was even driven to use explicit language to attempt to put things back on track, arguing that the most important thing was to get things done. Eventually Senator Holloman left, causing the senate to lose quorum, and the bylaws were tabled until the next meeting.
Meeting will resume after spring break on March 22 at 8 p.m.

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