Home / Campus Life / REHAB rocks out
Danny Boone, Mike Hartnett, Foz, Hano Leathers, Chris Hood, Chris Crisis, Demun Jones. These names might not ring any bells now, but in just a few years, the South Georgia rockers could become a household name.

REHAB rocks out

 Danny Boone, Mike Hartnett, Foz, Hano Leathers, Chris Hood, Chris Crisis, Demun Jones.

 These names might not ring any bells now, but in just a few years, the South Georgia rockers could become a household name.

 Tonight, local favorites Rehab return to Valdosta for an 8 p.m. show at Blazers Tavern in Remerton, one of the last stops on the band’s current tour to promote their newest album, “Welcome Home.”

 The new album differs from their last album with more of what Jones, one of the band’s MCs, describes as a “family theme.”

 “A lot of the Rehab fans, when the first Rehab album came out, were 20 and now they’re 30 and they’ve got children,” Jones said. “They can’t listen to the old Rehab records they love around their kids. When they’re going down the road they have to listen to something else. We want them to have something made by their favorite band that they can listen to at all times.”

 The band’s last release was “Graffiti the World” in 2005, which featured hits “Last Tattoo” and “The Bartender Song (Sittin’ at a Bar).”

 So, what has Rehab been doing for the past five years? According to Jones, the band was almost ready to release a new album about three years ago, but when they signed with Universal Records, the label decided to re-package and re-release “Graffiti the World.”

 Rehab pretty much lives on the road nowadays.

 “We’re always on tour,” Jones said. “We always have a show scheduled. We are always open for business; it’s just right now it’s time for us to hit the locations closer to where we live.”

 Rehab isn’t just a group of hometown boys anymore, though. Over the last decade, the band’s popularity has skyrocketed.

 “There are millions of people that know about Rehab, all over the world,” Jones said. “We’re going to spend the next three years reminding those people how good of a band Rehab is…then we’re going to do about 50 shows a year instead of 250.”

 Don’t get him wrong, though. Jones enjoys touring, as well as recording in the studio.

 “I enjoy both of them, but the reason that I made music is not to be closed off in a room away from people,” he said “The biggest reward is to be amongst the people that enjoy it and share it with them, to perform the songs they love. That’s what it’s all about. That’s what the main goal is.”

 He also believes that the band is about one or two songs away from breaking out of the image as the band that does “The Bartender Song.”

 “I’m not saying we’re going to be as big as U2, but if we do this record and it hits and we do another record and it hits, Rehab will be a household name,” he said.

 The band’s future isn’t set in stone just yet.

 “I think we’ll tour this record and a couple more records and we definitely won’t go away,” Jones said. “Most of us have kids, half of us are married. We want to be able to make a living at what we do, but we also want time to have time with our families so the next couple of years will be a big building time.”

 Several members are already working on solo projects. Jones’ solo debut, “Light,” is available now on iTunes.

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