Home / Campus Life / C.A.B. entertains VSU with Family Feud

C.A.B. entertains VSU with Family Feud

VSU’s Campus Activities Board hosted the Fabulous Feud in the Student Union yesterday from 7 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.

 Victoria Robinson, a sophomore criminal justice major is in charge of this CAB event, and chose this game show through an entertainment company called Kramer.

 CAB sponsored The Jackman Brothers, Paul and David; twins from Syracuse New York that have been entertaining since they were12.

 The performing duo also came to VSU four years ago.

 “We love to entertain,” David said. “Me and brother use to do magic shows.”

 The brothers make balloon animals, host live game shows and give away cash prizes to winners.

 Keeping the crowd entertained with music and witty jokes, the fabulous feud was soon underway.

 The room was divided into four teams: Pink, Screaming Tigers, Knights and Georgia Hall, and battled each other for three back to back rounds.

 The Knights came out on top and won the grand prize of $200.

 “This is maybe the second CAB event I’ve attended,” Emily Bradford, a sophomore early childhood and education major, said.

 “I love to watch Family Feud on TV, so me and my friend decided to come out and give it a try; it was a lot of fun and I enjoyed it, especially the balloons!”

 Other students are more enthusiastic about CAB events.

 “I attend CAB events once a month thanks to Valdosta’s weekly event e-mails,” Jacqueline Jones, a freshmen nursing major, said. “I love family feud. I watch it regularly; it’s interesting to see the answers everyone comes up and voted on.”

 The Jackman brothers plan to come back to VSU next month with another game show extravaganza, One Minute Or Less.

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