Voter fraud: a series of scandalously petty techniques used to illegally forge votes.
The major contenders of voter fraud are independent political groups who claim affiliation with one of the major parties. While voter fraud is not as common as some would believe, it is still a relevant means of weighing the polls in our nation. Therefore, this oppressive and manipulative approach must be abolished, and those who partake in it severely punished.
We cannot forget the intangible crimes committed by ACORN during the 2008 election. The organization, bent on pursuing youthful voters to register to vote and give their allegiance to the Obama campaign, submitted 1,500 fraudulent registrations. A receiver of taxpayer money, ACORN has been found guilty of other crimes as well– including tax evasion.
Also that year, 1,099 felons had illegally cast ballots. These votes led to Democrat Al Franken’s election to the senate by 312 votes. Franken’s win was a ploy by the Democrats to meet the quota needed to satisfy the filibuster-proof majority that aided the approval of Obamacare into legislation.
The Republican Party has been promoting a fairly simple solution to the issue: voter IDs. In order to place a vote, the citizens must first present a form of identification in order to prove who they are.
As illegal-immigration rapidly increases and societies everywhere become increasingly globalized, the ability to identify whether someone is a citizen or not is difficult. This method also prevents double-voting. While many view this as an infringement on voters’ rights, it actually de-corrupts the political process, ensuring that voting is done properly and legal; thereby, allowing no one person’s vote to carry a higher importance over another’s vote.
According to the Brennan Center of New York University, 11 percent of voters, the least likely to vote, lack necessary identification for voting. These people include minorities and low-income groups who tend to vote Democratic. The Democratic Party heavily opposes voter IDs, using the excuse that it causes a financial burden. Yet, very few operations today do not require a person to present a form of personal identification, so without one they choose to be heavily restricted to more than just voting. Democrat affiliated organizations are also big supporters of voter registration drives– a situation that has also plagued our own campus. According to the California State Legislature, a voter registration drive in California, the largest blue state in the union, generates more complaints and more arrests than any other type of election-related activity.
While voter fraud is usually minute, it only increases when not initially combated. Recently, the Columbus Dispatch, a local newspaper of Columbus, Ohio, made note that every one out of five registered Ohio voters were ineligible to vote in upcoming elections. Reported incidents of voter fraud have since intensified in the state. This swing-state was looted by Obama, giving him a great lead in the election.
In 2004, the voter fraud rate of Ohio was reported to be 0.00004 percent, but even such a small rate can change the tide of the election. And why should we allow voter fraud to happen anyways? After all, the right to vote is the only right that separates American citizens from permanent residents. We cannot allow this treason to continue.