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Graduate Goodbye: Ariel Felton

I never thought I’d actually see the day that I’d be writing my goodbye letter. I especially never thought the day would come and ironically, I’d be at a loss for words.

Let me start by saying, I did learn a lot.

No, I don’t remember the dates I crammed in my head for history but  I do remember the first friend I made—shout out to Karmen Boone. I can’t recall the equations I learned for algebra, but I do remember my first trip to Remerton. And I’ll never forget the feeling of seeing my first story in The Spectator.

I may not be the most involved person on campus, but I did make a family here. They live in Hopper 1238 and they spent the entirety of last night working on the paper in your hands, while occasionally yelling at me how much they would miss me. I love them.

I’d like to thank not only my Spectator family but this entire campus. You’ve taught me so much about who I am. The version of myself that arrived in Valdosta in the fall of 2008 wouldn’t recognize herself now. I am smarter, stronger and just generally more awesome because of VSU.

I’ll miss you all very much.

Ariel Felton
Features Editor 

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One comment

  1. Ariel, Your Graduate Good-Bye is so very touching. As I read your good-bye note aloud to your father, it almost made me cry. I remember the day that I had to leave you at VSU – my heart actually ached. It was so hard to trust such a large institution with my precious little baby girl. Just a few years later, I can not begin to express the sense of pride that filled my heart during your graduation on 8 Dec 12. You have accomplished so much at VSU through your class work as well as your work with the Spectator. You have become a beautifully talented young woman with so much potential. Keep growing and keep learning, my precious baby girl! Thank you, Spectator and VSU for your part in educating my daughter and for making her a part of the VSU Family!

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