Home / Campus Life / SpecTech: Dell debuts Project Ophelia, Samsung Galaxy S4 to be released

SpecTech: Dell debuts Project Ophelia, Samsung Galaxy S4 to be released

Written by Steven Setser


Hey everyone and welcome to the last day of February! Here’s the newest tech news.

An update on last week’s story–Sony did unveil the PlayStation 4.  They did not show the actual console, but the controller is a modified version of the prototype.  The system and controller will interact with the new PlayStation Eye in some way.

Sony did reveal some new games like Killzone: Shadow Fall, InFamous: Second Son, The Witness and Diablo III.  Other games announced were Destiny, Driveclub and a new Final Fantasy.  Sony has revealed that it will run free-to-play games and retail games which will still cost $60.

The PlayStation Network will be redesigned, and will have an app for smartphones.  On the network, users can watch you play and spectate.  If you trust someone enough, you can allow another player to take control of your game in order to beat a certain part for you.  You can also share a clip from your game that you just played with the new share button on the controller.

All PS4 games will release at retail and digital download on the same day.  The PlayStation Vita can also be used as a second screen, much like the Wii U controller. The PlayStation 4 will release this holiday season.

Microsoft may be ready to retaliate.  They registered XboxEvent.com as well as their E3 website.  It seems a next-console will be revealed in April with more details for E3 in June.

I know glasses can be fashionable, but this is ridiculous.  Google has been working on a project called Google Glass.  It is a pair of glasses that can do many things that your smartphone already does.  You can watch promo videos on Google or YouTube.  Google Glass will come out this year at around $1,500.

Have you been looking at a low-cost laptop and looked at Google’s Chromebooks?  Well then, the new Chromebook is not for you.  Google has made the Chromebook Pixel, a high resolution touch screen laptop.  It has a 4G LTE option and comes with 1TB of cloud storage.  It also has the highest resolution screen on a laptop.  You can buy it now if you have $1,299 to purchase a search engine.

Dell has debuted Project Ophelia.  It is a HDMI dongle that will plug into any monitor or HDTV and runs Android 4.2.  It is like a tablet that can be put on any size screen.  It will be released sometime this year for $99.

The rumored Asus FonePad is coming.  This 7-inch Android tablet is much like the Google Nexus 7, but it is also a phone.  It does have an Intel Atom Z2420 processor to differentiate the tablets.  There is no word yet if it will come to the US, but it will be released overseas in June for about $249.

Lastly, the Samsung Galaxy S4 is coming. Samsung will have a conference on March 14 in New York.  There are no details of the device itself except, “Ready 4 the Show: Come and Meet the Next Galaxy.”

That’s all this week; I hope you all enjoy yourselves.  My question this week is, “do you want the PlayStation 4?” Email your answers at smsetser@valdosta.edu

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