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Republicans face reform

Written by Veronica Dominicis

The Republican Party may be in favor for change after all.

The GOP is in a transformation stage and wants to reform the party to “serve the people.”

If anything, the GOP should reform to be a better representation of its members. The GOP obviously sees something wrong with itself, so why be against changing something that could be fixed?

As of now, the party has 16 platforms. It wants to change its stance by suggesting new regulations the government should follow. Having lost the last two presidential elections, the need for change may help more people get on board with the GOP which could mean a hopeful 2016.

The GOP just needs to regain its stance on government interference and how Americans need less of it. While maintaining its original position on a number of issues, the GOP needs to look at how they relate to the American people right now and in the future.

According to CBSNews.com, 4 out of ten Americans identify as independent. Politics has become a mush of a single person’s ideologies, and it seems the rest of the party, who they are representing, is what they decide to follow.

The reformation of the GOP will force the party to stand apart. If the GOP established itself in accordance to the challenges the nation faces now and in the future, perhaps Americans would no longer identify as independent voters. The gap would be wider, and voters would see the Democratic Party and the Republican Party as two different parties again.

Without reform, the Republican Party’s mission for a government-free America will be lost. An examination of what the people want and need is what will save the Republican Party’s image.


Written by Stephen Cavallaro

The Republican Party embodies morality, dignity, and freedom. Those affiliated with the political group are hardworking individuals in favor of a minimalist government bent on protecting beliefs.

As the party faces internal dispute, some members advocate that Republican politicians transition their platform to appeal to a variety of people such as minorities. While doing so, the party’s leading progressives are simply striving to tear republicanism apart by its seams. 

After all, according to Gallup, the current party is considered to be similar in anatomy to the party that strove to elect John McCain in 2008; yet, John McCain has been famous for his criticisms and outlandish claims against more-contemporary Republican leaders.

Just because former contenders of Republicanism are losing sight of their party’s principles, does not mean the party itself, the voting body, is facing a transition or that one is necessary.

Across the nation, Republican politicians are appealing to the voters by spreading Republican ideals. Despite the loss of the presidential election in 2012, most state governors remain Republican rather than Democrat.

If the party is to adopt progressive principals simply to achieve political victory, then they are simply forging a new organization rather than preserving elements of the old. “Republicans in name only” can either commit to the party or start running as a Democrat.


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