Home / Fall 2013 / Providing contraceptives: Students deserve defense against STDs

Providing contraceptives: Students deserve defense against STDs

Written by: Isaiah Smart 

With VSU being deep in the Bible Belt, beliefs on subjects such as sex and gender roles are a little different than other places. One topic that often leads to an intense conversation involves condoms on campus.

Many would believe that having condoms on campus promotes premarital sex. On the opposite side, many will argue that isn’t the case at all.

Having condoms on campus is a positive thing, and it can provide students with safe alternatives at a critical time in life. We all know that young adults’ hormones are raging and everyone handles such in different manners.

This is not to take a stance on one side or another for premarital sex but to simply note that there are safe options that should continue to be offered.

A deeper look in the conversation is protection from STDs. No one wants to catch an STD, and if you are one who is sexually active, please take all precautions to avoid the risk.

At Georgetown University, the nation’s first and oldest Jesuit university, students started an organization, H*yas for Choice, that offers a condom delivery service. The organization takes orders online, and students can either pick up condoms or have them delivered for events or parties.

The organization advocates for contraception and birth control access on campus. Despite Georgetown’s history and administration that doesn’t exactly agree, administrators won’t stop the students as they are not funded by the school in any way.

“We respect the rights of our students to join outside groups as individuals and believe this activity falls within that context,” Rachel Pugh, director of media relations at Georgetown, said.

Similar to VSU, the students utilize a free speech area that has lesser restrictions on speech laws that assists in the protection of the organization.

Keeping contraceptives on campus is a safe and proactive way of providing a service for all of VSU’s students. With the spread of STDs in college being almost as common as catching a cold, we should keep sexually-active students as safe as possible.

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