Written by: Jordan Hill
VSU students have formed teams for a new, up-and-coming sport: Spikeball.
The game takes two teams of two players. One team serves the ball onto a small, bouncy net, and the opposing team then has three chances to hit the ball back onto the net.
The players can move 360 degrees around the net after the first serve. Teams can only score when they are serving. The first team to 21 points wins, but the win must be by two or more points.
Cole Parker, Reid Pope, Chip Osborne and Teddy Welch are Spikeball enthusiasts. The men have attended and won various tournaments, going against other students and athletes.
The four students started their team in the summer of 2013. They practiced 2-3 times a week. Now they practice on Sunday afternoons on the front lawn.
“It’s open to anyone who wants to join us,” Welch said.
In the latest tournament in Atlanta, Osborne and Welch won while Parker and Pope made it to the semi-finals.
The next tournament will be in Atlanta at the end of April. In May, the men will head to Nashville, Tenn., in hopes of winning the regional tournament to be able to proceed to the national tournament.