Home / Fall 2014 / SGA talks commencement, FLEX options

SGA talks commencement, FLEX options

Written By: LaShawn Oglesby

After the SGA secretary debate Monday night in Jennett Hall, the SGA proceeded to have its usual meeting, and the highlighted topics were the commencement survey, expansion of restaurants students could use with their FLEX card and the new bus app, “Where’s the Blaze.”

The commencement survey, which asks what days the commencement services should be held, is open to all students and can be found on the VSU homepage. It asks students to give their classification, analyze each of the two suggested options and then choose between one or neither of the options provided.

According to the student commencement survey, “It is the sole mission of the SGA to gain a diverse pool of students’ opinions in regards to the discussion of modifying the commencement services in order to provide a recommendation to the spring commencement committee on behalf of the students of Valdosta State University.”

The SGA wants to promote the commencement survey so VSU students will participate in it. Senators have even been asked to talk to teachers about the survey so that teachers can then inform students of it.

Director of auxiliary services, Shannon McGee, was a guest at Monday’s meeting. She informed all in attendance that auxiliary services is working toward students being able to use FLEX at more restaurants such as Zacadoo’s and The Mix.

According to McGee, students can let auxiliary services know which restaurants they would like to see accept FLEX and that they are looking into other dining options like Chick-fil-a and Nathan’s. They are also working toward having another bus shuttle that will take students to more locations within the city of Valdosta.

The SGA and auxiliary services would also like to see an increase in downloads of the new app, “Where’s the Blaze.” The app allows students to track where the red, black and night shuttles are at any time. The app can found at http://www.wherestheblaze.com/.

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