What’s in your Love Forecast for this week?
Monday, Nov. 16 – Sunday, Nov. 22, 2015
Scorpio: Oct. 24 – Nov. 2
As two planets zap you with positive energy, you could experience a life-changing event. Maybe you’ll meet the love of your life on the subway. Or perhaps you’ll have a career opportunity that arrives out of the blue. Be open to experiencing something earth shattering.
Sagittarius: Nov. 22 – Dec. 21
Mercury will be in your sign for several weeks, and this will help your social life. If you’ve had lots of missed connections lately, that will quickly change. You’ll enjoy get togethers with casual friends, family members and love connections.
Capricorn: Dec. 22 – Jan.19
You’ll want to have meaningful conversations with people. The moon is encouraging you to be open and honest. Call up a good friend and invite him or her out for dinner. Get caught up on your recent adventures, and laugh about your crazy experiences.
Aquarius: Jan. 20 – Feb. 18
Don’t be thrown if you experience conflict or arguments with someone. Some intense lunar energies could create moments of friction when you least expect them. Maybe you and your sweetheart need to clear the air about something.
Pisces: Feb. 19 – March 20
Your psychic abilities are strong now, thanks to the sun. If you get an impression about someone, you’re probably right. Or if you experience a vivid dream, there is probably some sort of message contained in that imagery or those visions.
Aries: March 21 – April 19
Your emotions will be strong this week as the moon increases your sensitivity. Take extra good care of yourself. Avoid confrontations with people who usually cause you a lot of stress. Aim for peace instead of seeking conflict. Heal, relax and regenerate.
Taurus: April 20 – May 20
Business and career issues are on your mind as Jupiter enhances your ambitions. This is a good time to seek education, search for a new job or campaign for a raise. Your personal life might need to take a back seat as you focus your energies on worldly matters.
Gemini: May 21 – June 21
Your social life is picking up as Mars creates exciting interactions with new people. Accept invitations to parties, performances or networking events. You’ll have fun chatting with strangers and putting your best face forward. You’ll find it easy to attract admirers.
Cancer: June 22 – July 22
The sun is creating some long-term changes for you. Maybe you’re gradually realizing that a serious romance isn’t working out. Or maybe you’ve decided to pursue a new career or move to a different location. It’s all good. Keep considering all your options.
Leo: July 23 – Aug. 22
You’re not quite feeling like yourself, thanks to a cranky moon opposition. Usually you’re very charming and positive in your outlook, but right now, you’re feeling a little down. This is just a temporary thing, and it will soon pass. Try to keep your chin up.
Virgo: Aug. 23 – Sept. 22
It’s time to get real about what’s really going on. The moon is urging you to be truthful with yourself. If you’re dating someone who isn’t good for you, admit it. Or if you’re in a professional situation that isn’t healthy, take action and make a change.
Libra: Sept. 23 – Oct. 23
The more you try to pressure your partner, the more he or she is likely to pull away. The moon is making you nervous, and you could seek reassurance by demanding something of your honey. This isn’t the right approach. Instead, increase your communication.
(c)2015 Jennifer Shepherd Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.