Home / Fall 2015 / The marijuana debate: Are students responsible enough to carry?

The marijuana debate: Are students responsible enough to carry?

Marijuana grower Basil McMahon with his crop in Grass Valley, Calif., on November 12, 2015. A sweeping new package of laws will reverse years of state silence by regulating and licensing every stage of the medical marijuana industry. "It means I’ll be able to do what I'm doing without fear of persecution for the first time in my life, for the first time in generations," McMahon said. (Randall Benton/Sacramento Bee/TNS)

Written by Erin Martin, Staff Writer

Marijuana is a huge debate for many, while others care less to even discuss it. There have been discussions recently about whether or not students (with a prescription), should be allowed to bring their medicine to schools for.

As of now, there are 23 states that have legalized the use of medical marijuana. Of course, drug free zones are the best bet to keep illegal things from happening, but there is no need to ignore the benefits that many find with using it.

There are children and adults who use medical marijuana as a treatment for ADHD, anxiety, nausea, depression, and other clinical disorders. Recent research suggests its healing and therapeutic qualities as well.

In a court case last month, a judge from New Jersey decided against allowing a teenage high school girl the right to medical marijuana, to help her with seizures she suffered from. The judge felt that the decision would become a distraction for not only the girl, but other students.

I could argue the benefits of marijuana, but I’m also forced to acknowledge both sides. Things like this are potentially dangerous for people to take advantage of, especially in a learning environment. It defeats the long time that people spent to have laws passed for Drug Free Zones; helping to keep drugs from being sold in and around school. I think it’s important to keep drugs away from young children and allow them safety.

What do you think? Are students responsible enough to carry this responsibility?

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