Home / Campus Life / Changing the fashion game starting with the lips: College students DIY guide creating personalized lipstick

Changing the fashion game starting with the lips: College students DIY guide creating personalized lipstick

Written by Julia Rodriquez, Asst. Opinions Editor

Looking good and having quality lipstick does not have to be unaffordable. Making homemade lipstick is as easy as making ramen, and almost as cheap. All you will need is $5, a microwave and a microwavable bowl or jar. Paper or Styrofoam bowls or cups unfortunately will not do.

First, take that $5 and head to the dollar store. Grab a pack of starbursts, cornstarch and some cheap eye shadow.

The eye shadow is optional because it only serves as a color enhancer and container for your lipstick. You should have significant change left over, if you do not, then you bought too many starbursts or too fancy eye shadow.

You will only need five starbursts and many brands have eye shadow for under a dollar such as elf and wet n’ wild.

Once you have your supplies in order head to your microwave and get out all your supplies. Five starburst, half a cup of water, two tablespoons of cornstarch, eye shadow, a bowl to microwave it in and something to stir it with.

Unwrap five starbursts of your color choice and put them in the bowl. If you have cooking spray use some to avoid sticking but it is not necessary.

Microwave the starbursts for 20 seconds, then add the half cup of water and two tablespoons of corn starch and stir. The starbursts will be in one single clump so microwave for another 15 seconds. This time when you stir it should all mix together in a thick, gooey paste.

At this time you will want to add that eye shadow for some extra color, and throw away any extra because you will use the container for your lipstick.

Let your container of lipstick cool in the fridge or sit until it becomes a stiff gel. It unfortunately does not get thick enough to put in a chap stick tube; it will be more of a gloss stain that you will apply with your finger.

This lipstick is great because it is not sticky, it smells great and provides a nice subtle color. Unfortunately it does not last all day so keep it with you for reapplication. Have fun!

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