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Valdosta stricken with the ‘gooseTrumps’

Written by Kenzie Kesselring, Opinions Editor

“Trump, Trump, Trump!” filled the PE complex on Monday night as the Republican presidential candidate walked on stage to address the approximately 15,000 people inside and outside of the complex.

Doors to the PE complex were set to open at 4 p.m. but authorities ended up letting patrons in around 3 p.m. The complex quickly filled up and some were turned away at the door due to lack of available space inside of the gym.

Before Trump entered the rally, there were several speakers who took the stage before him. There was an opening prayer and the singing of the National Anthem before Chad Etheridge, Vivian Childs, and Brandon Phillips spoke.

Etheridge spoke on behalf of Farmers for Trump, while Childs then told the crowd why she was supporting Trump. Phillips then thanked all of the Valdosta Trump campaign volunteers.

The beginning of the candidate’s time on stage started with Trump announcing the endorsement he received that day from NASCAR. He then introduced the chairman and CEO, Bryan France as well as iconic NASCAR driver Bill Elliot and son, Chase Elliot.

During the remainder of his 45-minute speech The Donald addressed the importance of voting on Super Tuesday, social security, foreign relations, appealing Obama Care, and of course, building the iconic wall on America’s southern border.

In addition to discussing the important issues, Trump also talked in detail about his self-funded campaign and his current success in the polls. He cited a CNN poll from Monday saying he was polling 49 percent on the Republican side.

Trump attempted to inspire supporters by discussing the exciting movement he believes he and his Trumpeters are inciting in politics.

“What we have going is so special. It’s incredible,” said Trump.

While most patrons in attendance seem to be supporting Trump and what he was saying, there were a few that did not agree with what the candidate was preaching. Students and Valdosta citizens were free to protest outside of the complex on Reames Field and all protests remained peaceful.

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