Home / Campus Life / 22 things that took me 22 years to learn or 22 things I learned in college

22 things that took me 22 years to learn or 22 things I learned in college

Photo Illustration: Kayla Stroud/SPECTATOR

Written by Mayah Cantave, College Life Editor

Life is unpredictable. You’re going to have both good moments and bad. For 22 years, I’ve second guessed myself, changed my mind, worried too much and plenty of other things. But with the bad, I remember the good. Each year I grow, learn, and live my life happier with each passing day. Not everyone has learned these same lessons. And not everyone will have to learn the exact same lessons. As long as you grow and roll with the punches everything will be okay.

  1. You are your own worst enemy.
  2. You’re stronger than you think.
  3. It’s okay to outgrow people.
  4. Not everyone is going to agree with your decisions and its okay.
  5. Be who you want; it’s okay to be different.
  6. Don’t be a yes person. Never settle. Ever.
  7. GPA does not determine your wealth, life or future.
  8. Second, third, and even fourth chances are available.
  9. End of relationships are not the end of the world.
  10. Don’t assume anything. People can surprise you. Not everyone is as honest as they seem and not everyone is as deceitful as they seem.
  11. You need to make yourself known or you’ll never get anywhere.
  12. Sometimes the villain is actually the hero.
  13. Compromise is the only thing that makes any relationship work.
  14. No one cares about your problems because they have their own.
  15. Whatever you’re worrying about now will mean nothing in the future.
  16. You have to accept things you have no control over.
  17. Mediocrity is not an option.
  18. You’re always going to wish that your weight is the same as the first time you thought you were fat.
  19. Pain and hurt is only temporary.
  20. Money has a tendency to go away faster than you make it.
  21. Happiness is only sleep, a glass of wine and about 3 tacos away.
  22. There’s no roadmap for being an adult. You make your own path.



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