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Six tips on how to survive dorm living

Moving away from home and moving in with a stranger can be a little scary. Put aside those feelings because dorm room living can be some of the best times of your life if you let it.

Just follow these six tips in order to survive dorm rooms.

Stay Clean:

Unfortunately, not all freshmen are lucky enough to have their own bathroom (I’m looking at you, Georgia Hall), so communal bathrooms are inevitable. Rule of thumb: never forget your flip-flops, towel and caddy, but especially your flip flops. Nothing can ruin your day more than a bad case of athlete’s foot. You’ve been warned.

Keep Snacks:

Even though VSU offers a wide variety of on-campus dining options, none of them are 24 hours. Keep a stock of snacks for those late night cravings or impromptu movie nights. Don’t be afraid to get creative with your microwave.

“I learned how to make every dessert in a mug,” Martina Strickland, a senior accounting major said. “I also kept a stack of granola bars for the mornings I couldn’t make it to the dining hall for breakfast.”

Be sure to put your name on your snacks or designate which ones are shareable to avoid a conflict with your roommate.

Expect Noise:

You can hear everything in dorm rooms due to their paper thin walls. You may have a neighbor who likes to blast music all night or one who likes to talk loud when they’re on the phone. Invest in some earplugs to get a good night’s rest because knocking on the wall usually never gets anywhere.

“I had neighbors who blasted rap music all day long,” Noah Bryant, a junior psychology major said. “I honestly should have bought ear plugs way sooner than I did.”

Don’t be Afraid to be Assertive:

Don’t leave passive-aggressive notes to your roommate because all you’re leaving is tension. If something is bothering you, don’t be afraid to speak up; otherwise, you’re in for a rough year. Address your habits early on and come to a compromise because no two people are the same.

Laundry over Vending Machines:

I know that bag of salt and vinegar chips may look good at the time, but what’s better? Having clean clothes for the week or satisfying a craving? I know it’s hard, but I’m saving you from having to go commando. You’ll thank me later. Side tip: Don’t put off your laundry until Sunday because you’ll be lucky if you find an open machine.

Be Ready for Fire Alarms:

Whether it’s 3 a.m. or 3 p.m., those heart attack inducing beeps can interrupt sleeping, showering and studying. They can ring from an actual fire, but most of the time it’s someone who doesn’t know how to microwave popcorn. Remember to put on shoes or a change of clothes.

“Be conscious of what you’re wearing,” Kenzie Bowen, Georgia Hall resident assistant said. “You never know who’s going to be out there or how long you’ll be out there. I always grab a blanket.”

It might be tempting to ignore the alarm and stay in your warm, comfy bed, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Written by Julie Jernigan, copy editor. 

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