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The code of conduct receives changes

At the first SGA meeting of the year, Dean of Students Daryl Lowe, announced changes to the Student Code of Conduct.

These changes were made to address House Bill 280 and other important topics. Lowe said he made some of the changes due to the underage abuse of alcohol and illegal drugs.

“I’ve been here for almost three and a half weeks, and what I’ve noticed is that there has been an increase of underage drinking and possession of illegal drugs,” Lowe said.

The current update does not allow students under 21 to consume, possess or transport alcohol. It also bars students from selling, using, delivering, making and possessing illegal drugs.

“Students will be referred to the Student Conduct office for processing when they are in violation,” Lowe said.

Since marijuana is also considered an illegal substance, Lowe said students will be in jeopardy of losing their hosing and their ability to stay on campus if found in possession of it.

Students found in possession of marijuana after they’ve lost housing can result in suspension or expulsion.

The update also includes a section that displays the guidelines of House Bill 280 or “Campus Carry.” While people are allowed to carry, there are a few exceptions such as residence halls and buildings used for athletic events.

“We want to make sure, in that wide capacity where students are known to congregate at sporting events, that it’s a safe environment,” Lowe said.

The code of conduct was also updated to include a rule for free expression and assembly. This rule states that students, faculty and staff who plan an event for 30 or more members not a part of the VSU community must reserve the Public Forum Venue.

The Public Forum Venue is on a first-come first-serve basis and must be reserved through the dean of students’ office with a two-business day notice.

After hearing that some students had not seen the updates, Lowe said that even though the university has done its job, he will be looking into other ways to get information out.

“What I think we (the department) may need to do is make sure that the email now becomes a letter circulated throughout the campus community,” Lowe said.

Lowe said that he would most likely be looking to Housing and Residence Life in order to get these letters to students.

“We want them to know what’s going on because this is your institution,” Lowe said.  “We want to make sure that we give you everything you need to be successful here.”

Written by Bryce Ethridge, News Editor. Photo courtesy of VSU.

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