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Network outage causes VSU disruptions

A network outage affected the VSU community, Mediacom subscribers and different cell phone services in the surrounding area on Tuesday, Sept. 19, at 4:46 p.m.  VSU did receive network restoration around 12:30 p.m. on Sept. 20.

According to Brian Haugabrook, VSU IT Executive, a fiber had been cut in the south Tifton area.

During the network outage, students on campus could not access authentication, Banner, BlazeVIEW, email, MyVSU, V: Drive, and Wi-Fi.

“We couldn’t do work in my professor’s 8 a.m. class because the computers couldn’t connect to the Wi-Fi,” Andre Neptune, a senior mass media major, said. “We were able to use all of the news equipment to do the work we needed for the day.”

“I was affected mostly by the outage because it interrupted my study time,” Tyler Pippin, a junior biology major, said. “I had a test to study for today and wasn’t able to use my computer at all.”

A Mediacom user that lives near campus said that he also experienced the effects of the fiber cut.

“My internet went completely out for the night,” Brandon Gulnick, a graduate assistant, said. “I use Mediacom and I wasn’t able to do my work for the night.”

Another student said that the network outage did not affect them.

“The outage really had no effect on me,” Jorge Escorza, a senior criminal justice major, said. “My friends on campus had problems but I was fine at home.”

VSU Information Technology sent an email to the VSU community as soon as the network outage occurred.

“At 4:46 PM, we began experiencing slowness on both the wired and wireless network,” Benjamin Li, computer services coordinator, said. “We have confirmed that VSU networking equipment is operating normally, so we are reaching out to our internet service provider. We will update this announcement as additional information becomes available.”

Story by Darla Dunning, Content Editor and Devin Scott, contributor. Photo by Pixabay.

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