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SGA adresses the agenda topics to their gallery.

SGA addresses Georgia Hall, reiterates funding

At this week’s SGA meeting, the Senate kept things short, pressing only on a few issues and noting a lack of new business.

President Maya Mapp and the Senate shared their desires to fund VSU’s many organizations.

“Organizations can apply for funding up to $500 per semester and $1000 for the year,” Matthew Rowe, comptroller, said.

Rowe reiterated that any organization’s executive board members can fill out a request through BlazerLink for funding.

SGA also spoke on a recent issue from Georgia Residence Hall that has presented itself: the sixth floor kitchen keypad. It was noted at the meeting that the sixth floor houses Greek Life.

“The sixth floor of Georgia Hall is a designed living learning community for Greek Life,” Dr. Zduy Chu, director of Housing and Residence Life, said. “Living learning communities offer a dedicated and distinctive themed living option to our residents.”

The issue came about from the fact that the sixth floor kitchen is the only kitchen in Georgia to have a stove top.

“The sixth floor kitchen is in the lounge area that is used by the Greek Life LLC and therefore only accessible to residents who are in the living learning community,” said Dr. Chu. “This lounge space is intended to be used by the members of the LLC for chapter meetings, general meetings, and storage of chapter items.

Dr. Chu said there is another unlocked kitchen for residents’ use on the first floor. This kitchen can be accessed through the multipurpose room.

With that, the meeting was adjourned.

Story and photo by Bryce Decker, Staff Writer.

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