“I go to Crossfit classes everyday, sometimes twice a day,” Austin McCord, a sophomore exercise physiology major, said. “I drink a lot of water and a lot of green tea … it flushed your system.”
“I think it’s not only important to stay healthy physically, but also to take care of your mental and emotional well-being being,” Samantha Mora, a junior international business major, said. “By being positive and optimistic.”
I lift weights with my friends, that’s the main thing,” Delanie Turner, a senior athletic training major, said. “And I try not to buy junk food, because if it’s in the house, I will eat it.”
“As of lately, I’ve been on this diet called Whole30, and it changed my life!” Sera Gard, a literature master’s student, said. “I cut our carbs and sugar … that were addictive to me.”
I wouldn’t say I’m vegetarian, I’m more like a pescatarian and I drink like a gallon of water a day,” Anthony Oliveira, a freshman computer science major, said. “I usually go to sleep early … I start getting tired around 8:30 p.m. or 9 p.m. and I’ll be asleep by usually 10 p.m.”
Story and photos by Ladaezjah Warrens, Staff Writer.
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