Home / Opinions / Show love year round, not just Valentine’s

Show love year round, not just Valentine’s

Valentine’s Day, one of the more popular holidays, is literally around the corner. Bouquets of roses, oversized stuffed animals and chocolate hearts will be gifted around the world, but why do we need a specific day to show someone appreciation?

“I love Valentine’s Day,” Bethani Overton, a junior art major, said. “I think it just holds special sentimental value in our culture.”

She’s not wrong. Who remembers giving out Valentine’s Day cards in elementary school? You received some of the best candy and maybe even had the chance to give your first crush a little hint that you liked them. You most likely came home with a sugar-high, but it was definitely one of the best days out of the school year.

But let’s talk about the “real” Valentine’s Day for people over the age of 18. This holiday can be a real bummer if you’re single. Sure, friendly valentines are always a nice gesture, but is that the real essence of Valentine’s Day?

“Less money to spend for me,” Jermaine Hall, a freshman business major, said.

“I’ve never had a real Valentine, so it [Valentine’s Day] really doesn’t affect me,” Khaila Wyatt, a sophomore nursing major, said. “My mom might send me a card or something.”

Luckily, the holiday doesn’t excommunicate. One of the biggest things is the all-girl version of Valentine’s: Galentine’s Day.

“My single friends and I always go out to eat and watch a Disney movie together for Galentine’s Day because it’s better than nothing,” Macy Swartz, sophomore biology major, said.

In 2017, nearly $18 billion was spent on Valentine’s Day in the U.S., according to the National Retail Foundation. Can you imagine how many novelty gifts, dinner and hotel reservations, delivery service fees and the mass-production of all those teddy bears equaled out to?

I’ve had my fair share of Valentine’s Day celebrations, but I do think it’s better to tell someone how you care or feel about them on a regular basis more than to only show it once a year. We need to remember that real romance lies in simple, everyday acts of kindness, commitment and attention to our loved ones.

Story by Hunter Terrell, Social Media Manager. Photo courtesy of Johnny Brown on Unsplash.

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