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People Poll: What is your ideal professor?

“For me, an ideal professor is someone who enjoys what they’re teaching,” Chatari Humphrey, an educational leadership and student affairs graduate student, said. “I want someone who is flexible and personal with his or her class rather than just ‘there.’ You can tell when a teacher is not passionate about what they do because you can see it in their work and how they treat their students.”

“Someone’s who’s not monotone,” Kristen Penton, a junior biology major, said. “PowerPoints are definitely easier than just sitting through lecture after lecture, and I’m more hands on.”

“An ideal professor is someone who is helpful, intelligent and professional, but not in a way that’s too official,” Marcus Colón, a senior theatre arts major, said. “You can have a conversation with them. They are contemporary and understand that the older way of doing everything on pencil and paper is not the way things are done anymore.”

“Laid back, relatable to the students, not like someone who’s stuck 20 or 30 years ago,” Aryell Rojas, a sophomore English major, said.

“A professor that can relate to us,” said Jay Torres, a junior middle grades education major. “We’re not kids, we’re aspiring to be like
them in a profession. If they can understand our struggles, that I’m sure they endured as well.”

“A laid back teacher, that lets us do group work, but also doesn’t give homework,” Jack Steptoe, a junior communications disorders major, said. “So basically a student as a teacher.”

Quotes and photos by Ladaezjah Warrens, staff writer.

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