Home / News / Senior Spotlight: Amari Evans
Amari Evans is a recent VSU graduate carrying the dream of becoming an oncologist. With the first step done, Evans is taking time off from school to plan out where she goes from here.

Senior Spotlight: Amari Evans

Graduation came and went. With it the VSU community says farewell to the bright minds that have learned in the hallowed halls of the university’s campus.

One such bright mind is Amari Evans, senior biology major and chemistry minor, who graduated Dec 8.

Starting out with the Biology major, Evans stuck to it throughout her four years here at VSU. As time passed she mentioned a passing interest in switching to Chemistry, but said it “wouldn’t have been much of a difference.”

Her interest in Biology and similar fields of study began with a life-changing experience during her childhood: losing her father to cancer. Evans, from then on, always knew she wanted to research or study on the subject which has always been her driving motivation here at VSU.

Evans plans to take a year off from school to prepare for the MCAT—the Medical College Assessment Test—apply for further colleges, and find a full-time job at a local hospital. She even toys around with the idea of doing research with one of the professors at VSU.

She says that her biggest ambition in life is to one day own a clinic where cancer patients can come in and get free treatment. A noble goal, for sure.

But while we not only celebrate the opportunities Evans has in the future, we also celebrate the achievements and passion she shown during her time at VSU.

Dr. Dereth Drake, associate physics professor at VSU, said she’s a student who always makes time for her studies and social life.

“In the past 1.5 years that I’ve known Amari, she has always been extremely active in her clubs and organizations,” Dr. Drake said. “But one thing that I’ve enjoyed watching, as her teacher, is her go from a normal everyday college student into a young professional who can be relied on by fellow students to support others both socially and academically.”

She tried her hardest to be involved in all her possible areas of interest.

In her Sophomore year, she was in SHARE in Africa, and last year was the administrative chair for Relay for Life. Evans is also the president for Beta Beta Beta (Tri-beta), a Biology Honor Society.

Professor Mark Blackmore said Evans breathed new life into Tri-beta as its president.

“She is highly organized and gets things done, but her outgoing, positive personality is what really makes that work,” Blackmore said. “She is able to motivate her peers to a degree that I haven’t often seen in over 20 years at VSU.”

She is also a Chemistry tutor and enjoys boxing in her free time.

When asked about her involvement Evans said she didn’t want to be the average Biology major.

“I didn’t want to just stay in my dorm, you know, just studying,” she said. “That’s what most Biology majors do. No free time. So, I tried to focus my time partly on school, partly on work, and partly on extracurriculars.”

When asked about her friends, Evans pointed to study groups as a great opportunity to meet people with similar interests and spend time with them. She also pointed out Patterson Residence Hall as the place she met some of the people she’s closest to today.

One of her friends, Maya Opara-Nadi said she met Evans as a freshman in Patterson Hall. When Opara-Nadi found out she and Evans were both Biology majors they founded a friendship through studying together.

“She is just very driven,” she said. “Basically, I know if that Amari is in my group for a project, I know it is going to get done.”

When asked for any words of wisdom she might have for those she is leaving behind at VSU, she said to “get involved with organizations.”

“There are hundreds of different organizations and there will always be some kind of club that you’ll fit into,” she said.

Written by Payton Fletcher, Staff Writer. Photo courtesy of Amari Evans.

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