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Crime Report: Aggravated assault, burglary decrease from 2016

Valdosta State’s crime on campus is nowhere near being obsolete, but in the first week of November, it seems to be slowing down compared to last month.

With the fall coming in, you can snuggle up inside and read the resources the Valdosta State Police provides for students.

The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report provides students with information on safety and security on campus. The report also shows all the documented crimes from the past years: 2016, 2017 and 2018.

In 2016, there were two reports of aggravated assault compared to 2017 and 2018’s one report. There were 11 burglary reports in 2016, alongside 2017’s 10. 2018 saw five reports of burglary.

In 2016, 2017 and 2018 combined, there were only two reports of robbery, a type of larceny. However, larceny remains a recurring crime with 14 reports for Oct. 2019 alone.

Comparing the years, the major crime reports have come down from 2016 to now. The annual safety and fire security report is open for any student to look at if you have any questions about your safety or the procedures the Valdosta state police uses feel free to go online and look at the report.

In this report Valdosta state gives information on how to fill out certain silent watch forms and goes into detail about what procedures the police will take.

“If you are the victim of a crime or want to report a crime you are aware of, but do not want to pursue action within the University or criminal justice systems, we ask that you consider filing an online Silent Witness report. But using this form can allow for the information to be used in crime prevention efforts and does not prohibit including one’s name or information that could lead to assisting the campus. The Silent Witness report form can be found and accessed at: http://www.valdosta.edu/administration/finance-admin/police/forms/vsu-police-department-silent-watchform.php.”

You can see the daily crime and fire reports by going to the VSU homepage and going to the VSU administration tab and clicking on the Public Safety link. On that page you can also anonymously report a crime or any suspicious behavior to the police.

Written by Amelia Sellars, Staff Writer. Photo courtesy of The Spectator.

For more campus crime, click here.

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