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First case of virus in Lowndes County confirmed

South Georgia Medical Center officials were notified Wednesday that a patient that had been treated at SGMC has been diagnosed with COVID-19, the new strain of the coronavirus.

The Georgia Department of Public Health released a statement Wednesday announcing the case, while also saying that the health risk was low in Lowndes County.

According to the Valdosta Daily Times, the patient was being treated at SGMC from March 5 to march 7, but SGMC officials had no prior knowledge that the patient was diagnosed with COVID-19 at a Florida hospital before today.

The patient is now at a Florida hospital, but SGMC is now evaluating staff members who had any contact with the coronavirus patient, according to a press release from SGMC.

Valdosta City Schools, which were closed Wednesday in reaction to the presumptive positive case of COVID-19, announced Wednesday night that schools would reopen Thursday.

According to the New York , there are more than 1,200 cases of COVID-19 in the United States, with 23 in Florida and 23 in Georgia.

According to the CDC,only 29 people have died from COVID-19. Numbers will continue to grow until a vaccine is found.

Written by Lenah Allen, Campus Life Editor. Photo courtesy of The Spectator.

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  1. It’s about time people put face masks and maintain the social distance!

  2. I call bullshit!! Vaccines,vaccines… your natural immune system will fight this virus ! Unless your ammune system is compromised, quit throwing everyone into a panick it is wrong in so many ways to continue to do this . Wash your hands frequently and you should be ok,stay home if you don’t have to go out and as far as being vaccinated the gov. Will only benifit from this thats what this whole thing is about to scare people into running for a vaccine which will only compromise your immune system open your eyes people!!

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