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VSU puts new survey on MyVSU

With spring semester coming up and students coming back from winter break, VSU put a return to campus survey on MyVSU for students to complete by Jan. 11.

Students may have noticed that when they log onto MyVSU, they will have to complete a survey before returning to campus. This survey will give information to health officials on campus like who will be returning.

“Our health officials on campus need this information when they are doing COVID testing and contract tracing,” Robbyn Despain, the Director of Strategic Communications, said.

This survey is the same from the start of the fall 2020 semester. There are questions about student’s and employee’s plans on returning to campus, and questions regarding COVID-19 exposure.

“It gives us important information for our ongoing COVID-19 safety efforts throughout the spring 2021 semester,” Despain said.

Students are required to complete this survey by time they arrive on campus, according to Despain. If students don’t live on campus, they have to complete the survey by the time classes start on Jan. 11. Students won’t be able to navigate on certain parts of MyVSU if they don’t complete the survey.

In a campus wide email regarding the survey, students are reminded that they have to complete the survey, masks are required in all campus buildings and social distancing is still required for spring 2021.

“These measures were proven to be effective during the fall semester, so keep up the good work,” Despain said, “We are looking forward to welcoming you back to campus.”

Written by Kilie Huckleby,Staff Writer. Photo courtesy of Kilie Huckleby.

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