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Collegiate Women promotes the Wellbeing of Women

Collegiate Women of VSU (CWVSU) is a women-led organization here at VSU that promotes the physical and mental wellbeing of women and shows what the ideal collegiate women stand for.

CWVSU also helps get women students prepared for the real world by stimulating a business casual dress code for meetings. This promotes comfortability in dressing business casual.

This organization has been going on for over 10 years, and through passion and care, CWVSU stands to make a lasting impact on students that join the organization.

“Everyone loves it on a deeper level,” Maliyah Hughes, a junior health science major and president for CWVSU, said.

To get more in touch with the student body and the community of Valdosta as a whole, CWVSU is trying to implement more annual events.

One event they have started is Girls Weekend, which is about getting the organization to come together and bond. Students connect throughout the entire weekend, have fun and enjoy brunch with a motivational speaker on the last day.

The organization also had another event, Breast Cancer Basket, where they raised over $1,500 and counting with the initial $500. This event was for breast cancer research.

CWVSU makes sure to “take on any opportunity that comes to them, or they can find to help the community,” Hughes said.

CWVSU also has a week in October called Collegiate Week, where they celebrate with their brother organization Collegiate Men of Valdosta University (CMVSU). This week, they celebrate both organizations by having different events.

This year, they had Squid Games, raffles, a fashion show, bingo and more. It’s a week to celebrate both organizations and what they stand for.

“We don’t like t-shirt wearers—just wearing the shirt and not putting in the work,” Hughes said

There are requirements students must reach before labeling themselves a CWVSU. Just coming out to one event doesn’t ensure membership.

There are also dues that students pay when joining the organization.

This year students got baseball tees and bracelets saying, “If not CW, then Who.”

However, there is more to the organization than just putting on tees and bracelets.

Hughes and her platform for the organization are a big advocate for mental health. When Hughes came to VSU, the passion for organizations was at an all-time high.

Platforms were something you definitely needed when being president. Hughes integrates this platform of mental health by the organization engaging and making sure the mental health of students, especially women, is talked about and promoted.

“When you find your purpose, you have to try and act on it as much as you can, or you’re not fulfilling the duties of your purpose,” Hughes said.

One thing Hughes is looking for in the future of the organization is more diversity.

Having “different people from different backgrounds,” Hughes said.

No matter students’ ethnicity, sexuality or nationality, they should come knowing the organization is a safe place, according to Hughes.

Students can go to Blazerlink and contact Hughes about wanting to become a member. Meetings are bi-weekly in the Student Union with business casual attire.

Even though it is too late to join, the interest meeting does open back up in the spring semester.

Story by Jaleen Williams Thomas, staff writer. Photo courtesy of Collegiate Women of VSU.

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