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Editorial: Are incentives the driving force for getting vaccinated?

On Feb. 16, the VSU Health Services sent an email to students to remind them to get their COVID-19 vaccines and boosters and how to make an appointment with a link provided. 

Along with providing free vaccines for students, VSU is also offering incentives where students can enter a drawing that will take place on March 9. 

These incentives include an Apple Watch SE, three $75 Amazon gift cards and two $50 flex credits. 

Just getting vaccinated or getting a booster at VSU Student Health, students receive $25 VSU Flex Funds, a special t-shirt and a vaccine card holder. 

Companies such as Krispie Kreme are offering free dozen donuts for anyone who can show proof of vaccine. 

While these incentives seem like material items, many companies are going as far as paying their employees hundreds of dollars to get vaccinated with proof. 

With how the economy is and many companies seem to be taking advantage of their employees as far as hours go, many people are desperate to get the vaccine for the monetary incentive. 

But employees also question why these companies can pay so much for incentives but cannot pay their employees a livable wage. By having these questions, it is hard to know if these incentives are increasing the population getting the vaccine and staying safe from COVID-19 as new variants appear. 

Using money to motivate people to get a vaccine can be seen as controversial and many do not necessarily trust that process. 

In states such as Colorado and Ohio, a vaccine lottery takes place and five people have the chance to win $1 million while New Mexico gives the chance to win $5 million. 

People cannot help but think the government is doing this to bribe people to get the vaccine without being effective for those people. 

But for many people, they did not get the vaccine until an incentive was in the works. 

It seems like these companies and the government almost have to beg people to get vaccinated nowadays. 

The flu and tetanus vaccines come naturally to many and get it yearly, but many people questioned the legitimacy of the COVID-19 vaccine until incentives were involved. 

Getting vaccinated should make people feel safe and compelled to get to go back to normal. So why are people so hesitant until money is involved? 

Are the many different incentives effective and are they the real reason COVID-19 cases are going down?

This editorial reflects the general opinion of The Spectator staff.

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