Home / Editorial / Editorial: Students leasing Magnolia Reserve deserve a resolution

Editorial: Students leasing Magnolia Reserve deserve a resolution

One issue that is stirring up the student body here on campus is that of the Magnolia Reserve saga. 

(For more info, click here: http://www.vsuspectator.com/2023/09/13/unfinished-apartment-complex-leaves-students-in-limbo/ )

Students had made plans to move into the Reserve months ago, but were told that construction was still going on, leaving some students still living from hotel to hotel.

College already has its trials and tribulations, but one of the foundations of the college experience is learning how to adjust to your new living environment. 

Unfortunately for students who have gone the route of housing at the Reserve, their environment has continuously changed since over the previous months.

With no certain end to the holdup of moving into these apartments, the student body has voiced its outrage with the Reserve.

We at the Spectator feel that move-in dates need to be altered if the facilities are not in a liveable condition. 

That being said, VSU should also be responsible for communicating any and all instances where there is an alteration with living arrangements, to the point where students will not have a place to stay.

Some students have been attending classes on campus for several weeks now and yet to have a stable living arrangement due to the housing issues at the Reserve.

The whole ordeal demonstrates a lack of professionalism combined with extremely inconvenient timing for students who are trying to get access to a regular place to reside. 

Other factors like safety are thrown to the wayside because of this housing issue as well, as some students may have to live in less than reputable areas of Valdosta.

While there are several issues that have come to light throughout this entire ordeal, the one that stands out the most is how many students are left in a bind.

The vast majority of students who have arranged to live in these apartments and attend classes at VSU come from cities far away from Valdosta, which based on this current status and their respective situations, leaves them somewhat stranded.

This overall event has taken a toll on the student body and what is worse about it, this situation could’ve been avoided with proper communication. 

We understand that the process of applying for housing and reserving a place of residence is a multi-step process that requires patience, but we believe that the students who have yet to be placed in a permanent living arrangement have more than shown theirs.

This editorial reflects the general opinion of The Spectator.

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