Post Offices are a major part of the U.S but can be an essential for many towns. VSU’s new art gallery “On the Map” tells the story of Post Offices across Kentucky.
Post Offices were especially important because, for many towns, it is their way of connecting to others. Many towns were also not considered towns without a Post Office.
The gallery puts a spotlight on these Post Offices thanks to the use of tintypes. Tintypes were the first affordable photographic process, while also being the first to be mailed. Many of the tintypes shown in the Gallery are blown-up versions of the originals.
The artists Rudy Salgado and his partner Susanna Crum traveled across the state of Kentucky exploring these Post Offices. They began their exploration in 2021 near the end of the pandemic.
“This was during 2021, near the end of the pandemic. We would camp and become closer to the communities. We got a better idea of the geography and become closer with the locals.” said Rudy.
Exploring Kentucky allowed them to put lights on towns who could lose their Post Offices.
Chanel City is close to losing their Post Office since it is only open 2 hours a day.
Written by Arizona Renfroe, Spectator Reporter. Photo courtesy of Arizona Renfroe.