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Professor Spotlight: Meet Dr. Brian Sowa

Dr. Brian Sowa is a professor of public relations at VSU in the communication arts department. He has been teaching for over 25 years at four different universities and has been a professor at VSU for six and a half years.

Throughout Dr. Sowa’s professional career, he has worked in corporate, in the radio and music industry as a DJ, and at various agencies in the advertising and public relations industries. He also has work experience with radio voiceovers.

Dr. Sowa obtained his bachelor’s degree from Central Michigan University in broadcasting and advertising. He earned his master’s degree at Michigan State University in public relations and advertising. Dr. Sowa then went on to obtain his P.H.D at Wayne State University in organizational communication with an emphasis in public relations.

Dr. Sowa stated that “Working with a lot of great students and great professionals, as well as networking has been the most interesting part of my professional career.”

Dr. Sowa’s advice to young professionals is to get real world experience straight after graduating, possess an open mind, and gain experience with internships before heading to graduate school.

Dr. Sowa’s favorite quote is from Daniel Boorstin, “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some hire public relations officers.”

Written by Kennedy Hill, Photo Editor. Photo courtesy of Valdosta State University’s Directory. 

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