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Valdosta does not support recycling

Growing up, my parents constantly made me aware of the importance of recycling. While it was difficult at first to remember which items were recyclable and which weren’t, it eventually became an issue that we all valued and cared about. We felt that we were doing our little part to save the world. Once I moved to Valdosta, I was ...

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Rant and Raves: January 28, 2010

RANT When did individuality become a crime?  It bugs me to see so many students clown people who they think are “weird” for having a unique sense of style. By unique I don’t mean the ones who mix-match leggings with sequins and cardigans. I mean the ones who have a passion for what they like (whether it be fashion, music ...

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People Poll: What was the best part of ‘70s pop culture?

Morgan Herrin Junior sociology major “The music”   Rachael Dillon  Sophomore biology major “The disco ball and bell bottoms” .Angelique Witmer Junior psychology/philosophy major “Progressive music and women’s rights movement” Sherry Guess Sophomore clinical psychology major “It opened a new revolution of higher consciousness.” Pennica Irvin Sophomore, Math major  “The platform shoes” Daniel Clay Senior finance major “The disco”  Richard ...

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Smoke, and let smoke

       Do you constantly walk out of your English, Spanish, Political Science or History classes into clouds of what you thought was a heaven-sent excitement of being out of your lecture, but then realize that it’s a smoking hell attacking you? Yeah, we’ve all been there. For some of us negative effects for others, no big deal.     Smoking, a ...

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Jobs, transportation hard to find

        The price for me to attend college this semester, including books, housing, an a-la-carte meal plan, and all the other fees imposed by VSU and the Board of Regents, was $5,518. My financial aid, including my Hope Scholarship, was only $4,000; I was $1,518 short. I decided I was going to take out a loan for the amount of ...

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Mass Effect 2 ignores the female Shepard

       Mass Effect is a role-playing space opera video game where players create their own version of a character called Commander Shepard. Players can choose from a variety of options ranging from looks, combat skills, armor, weapons, and finally gender.     As new videos, announcements of enhanced gameplay, screenshots of the default male Shepard appearing with the new beautiful graphics, ...

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Oil crisis, war, crooked politicians-1970 or 2010?

     Dudes, you know I hate to say I told you so, but I knew we were in for a rough ride after Hendrix bought the farm years ago. It’s as if the protective shroud of purple haze has lifted and gave the man room to crash the party.    Seriously, what a buzzkill.    Numero uno of what’s wrong ...

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Make donations that make a difference

So by now most everyone has heard about the tragedies in Haiti. An earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter Scale hit Haiti on January 12,  and the country is still suffering from aftershocks.     According to The Red Cross, the earthquake is estimated to affect about three million Haitians. This already poverty-stricken nation now needs housing, search and rescue and ...

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Researchers tell tall tales about short people

   Let’s face it, being short bites. If you happen to be short, you know. If you happen to be tall, you probably laugh at us for breaking things at WalMart trying to climb up to the top shelf. You sit in front of us at the movies, obliviously blocking our overpriced view with your oversized head. You get served ...

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You’re not in high school, anymore

 If you’re trendy, then you probably had a moment during the holiday break when you either revealed the color of your underwear or rigged said garment with an explosive.   With underwear making recent headlines, I found it appropriate to point out how silly it is for the student body to soil themselves in fear after only one week of ...

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