As we pass this Friday by finishing up our classes, doing that last test and thinking about what we are going to do for the weekend, it can be tempting to forget what this Friday should be about. It’s been eight years since that day that changed America forever. It has been said that the 9/11 attack is the defining ...
Read More »Rant and Rave of the Week: September 3, 2009
A Spectator tradition One thing that the Spectator is sure to have each week is the “Rant & Rave.” However, we want to switch it up a bit. Originally we have had our staff write up a rant and rave for the week, but we have all come to the same consensus of wanting them to come straight from you, ...
Read More »People Poll: How does swine flu on-campus make you feel?
Dyeshera Anderson Freshman Psychology major “Personally, I would be scared but I’m sure the Health Center is taking care of it and South Georgia Medical Center is taking care of it so I’m kind of at ease about it.” Lauren Sanders Sophmore Pre- Pharmacy major “I didn’t know. Scary.” Ryan Smith Sophmore Education major “I think it’s an over-reaction. I ...
Read More »Student survival guide: How to get by
It can never be said that I don’t care about the students. But in case it could, I present to you my short guide to a successful semester. Attend class. Well, this one should be plenty obvious. You sign up for a class and you show up for it. Attendance is a grade in itself and, for some classes, can ...
Read More »GHP infested summers irritate VSU students
Kristin Shannon Staff Writer At one point in time, summer days meant sleeping in, no school, and limited interaction with my high school classmates. However summer life at VSU is quite the opposite: part-time jobs, long classes, and hundreds of high school students flooding the campus. Maymester goes by quickly and quietly for most students. As the second session ...
Read More »Enrollment increase brings school spirit
VSU is known for its championship football team after recently winning the NCAA Division II Championship in 2004 and 2007. But it seemed that VSU’s school spirit was lacking as compared to other football crazed schools. Saturday’s opener gave some a little more hope in the school spirit department. This past weekend’s game versus Newberry proved to be the change ...
Read More »The penny may become an antique
Chicago Tribune MCT Campus Nicolas Cage starred in a preposterous thriller a few years back that included a secret clue to riches, the “National Treasure” of the title, embedded on U.S. money. Turns out riches are embedded in U.S. money, specifically nickels and pennies, and there’s nothing secret about it.
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