Home / Opinions (page 80)


Say goodbye to Fall Break

Written by: Rebecka McAleer Last week, a proposal hit the floor of the Faculty Senate about possible schedule changes designed to allow for both Fall Break and a full week of Thanksgiving break. While there has been no official decision, the responses from around campus have been interesting. Many questions have arisen regarding the matter, starting with, “Where has this discussion ...

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VSU, lacking unity

Written By: Isaiah Smart The student body of VSU has had its share of changes. In 1963, Robert Pierce Jr. and Drewnell Thomas integrated our beautiful institution. In 1970, Dr. Louis E. Dunbar was hired as the first African-American professor at the university. A little less than 50 years later, the African-American population increased dramatically and brought most of those ...

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Earbuds or real buds

Written by: Elan Waite On a typical day at VSU you will see various students listening to music: people who are walking alone, friends who are seated next to each other and strangers on line. Everyone is enjoying their noise in silence. Almost everyone can agree that music can alter your mood. It can change how you feel about almost anything ...

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Cut-backs put students at risk

Written by: Olivia McLean As a typical “broke college student” we often moan and groan when it’s that time of the year to pay my tuition and fees. Institutional fees, athletic fees, student activity fees—the list goes on. Yes, students know that these fees are necessary to maintain the university’s upkeep, but do we really know exactly what our money is ...

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Let their voices be heard

Written by: Taylor Stone Throughout the entire history of mankind, protests have undoubtedly played a profound role in societal change that has yielded both good and bad results. Unfortunately, it seems that in recent decades the constitutionally defined concept of “free speech” has arguably morphed into nothing more than a political “battering ram” used by conflicting ideological groups to effectively ...

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Who is to blame for the federal government shutdown? Why?

Ariana McDaniels freshman early childhood education major “The whole thing with Syria might have something to do with it…Something internal is going on that we’re not quite sure about.”   Abby Hoover senior nursing major “The tea party wing of the Republican caucus that is holding the Republican party hostage.”   Want more opinions? Check out the Video People Poll online at: ...

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Safety, not on the menu

Written by: Stephen Cavallaro Like guns? Hope you don’t drink coffee. In an interview conducted earlier this week with Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, Schultz urged gun-toting patrons to leave their guns at home or refrain from indulging in his company’s products. As a stream of shooting sprees have struck the media over the last couple of years and as big ...

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Obama: Five years later

Written by: Von Kennedy Barack Obama has now been president of the United States for five years. As all presidents are once they are out of office, he will be ranked on the hierarchy of his successful plans and also his failures. Yet living through his presidency, does America think he has been up to par or substandard? One thing that ...

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Obama reveals new plan for students

Pro Written by: Isaiah Smart   College is always one of the bigger concerns for voters when it comes to presidential elections.   Loan rates remain a constant worry for voters age 18 to 25. President Barack Obama even went on a college tour to spread the word about a new plan to make college more affordable.   The administration is ...

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