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Tag Archives: 2009-10-01

Top five zombie movies of all time

Ariel Fulton Staff Writer  In honor of the new movie, Zombieland, partly filmed here in Valdosta and coming into theaters this Friday, I was given the task of putting together a list of five of the scariest, bloodiest, and overall best zombie movies of all time. It wasn’t until I left class that I realized, I had never even seen ...

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Delta State game a must win for Blazers

Ed Hooper Sports Writer ephooper@valdosta.edu   For the VSU Blazers the playoffs start tonight. The Valdosta State Blazers (2-2) will face the Delta State Statesmen (2-2) tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Cleveland Miss.  The loser of this matchup will be mathematically eliminated from the 2009 Division II playoff race which makes the remainder of the season a must-win for both the ...

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People Poll: Which Do You Prefer… Vampires or Zombies?

Brittany Dove Freshmen Public Relations major “Zombies, because vampires are over-rated.” James Earp Junior Mass Media major “Zombies because they freaking kick butt and I would rather be eaten where my body is going to something useful than drained.”          Aerolyn Shaw Sophomore Public Relations major “Vampires, because they are more romantisized than zombies, and they are able to ...

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‘Zombieland’ is a must see

Amy Johstono Staff Writer acjohstono@valdosta.edu   It’s his loner personality and long list of phobias and zombie survival rules that keeps nerdy Columbus alive during the world’s transformation from Earth to Zombieland.  When a disease that started with a cheeseburger spreads through humanity, Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg) and trigger-happy Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson) find themselves alone in a zombie-filled world and are trying ...

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Becoming a zombie does not have to mean the end for you

Molly Deaton Staff Writer mmdeaton@valdosta.edu  Now that you have become a zombie, it is important that you understand the different ways people see you, as opposed to a living and normal human that you were once accepted as. Zombies have pros and cons, like everything else. However, the pros really seem to outweigh the cons for the most part, and ...

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How to survive when the zombie apocalypse comes

Kenny Bush Staff Writer krbush@valdosta.edu   The zombie apocalypse is no laughing matter…well, it kind of is. However, the moment it isn’t will be the same moment when monsters that you once knew as your roommates and peers are making a lunch out of your intestines.  Before that happens, you might want to take these tips into consideration.  First, you need ...

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Freedom of speech should not be an issue

Being aware of the events that have taken place regarding the hanging of the Confederate flag, we must all take a closer look at the issue at hand.  First off, every person of all genders and from every background who is a citizen of the United States of America has a First Amendment right.  By law, it states that Congress ...

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New Student Union to bring jobs for students

Brittany Briscoe Staff Writer blbriscoe@valdosta.edu  VSU Student Life is looking for approximately 40 new workers for the Student Union, which will be the largest student employed building on campus.  “We are looking for building managers, information desk assistants, set up technicians, game room attendants and audio visual technicians,” said John Wright, Associate Director of Student Life.  The Building Manager will ...

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Making a cool zombie costume that everyone can afford

Stephanie Turner Staff Writer sdturner@valdosta.edu  Ever wanted to be a zombie for Halloween, but don’t exactly have a lot of money to spend? Well here’s some tips on different costumes at an affordable price.  These creatures can come in different forms but have one thing in common, they are the dead brought back to life. The attitude and behavior is ...

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Rant and Rave of the Week: October 1, 2009

Rant A Foul Smell   Every once in a while I have noticed that the corner where Hopper and the new University Union face each other will have this putrid smell. It smells like a combination of poop and rotten garbage. I have also noticed that there is a grill there so I can only guess that somebody is cooking up ...

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