Home / Spotlight / Making a cool zombie costume that everyone can afford

Making a cool zombie costume that everyone can afford

Stephanie Turner
Staff Writer

 Ever wanted to be a zombie for Halloween, but don’t exactly have a lot of money to spend? Well here’s some tips on different costumes at an affordable price.
 These creatures can come in different forms but have one thing in common, they are the dead brought back to life. The attitude and behavior is up to you, but here are some ideas to get started.
 You need old, torn, dirty looking clothes. Let’s face it, a true zombie is not clean or nice looking; I mean they were dead and, possibly, buried, not a pretty sight. Anything will do, jeans, dresses, even robes; it all depends on what you plan on dying in. A suggestion will be going to Goodwill or Ross, even then look for the cheapest selection. Remember you are NOT trying to look nice. So what if it has a stain or a hole? The more the better.
 Next is makeup. This is where it gets fun and kind of expensive. You don’t need to go to Sephora or any other expensive makeup store to get good quality supplies. It is Halloween season, so go to Walmart or Spirit in the mall. Look for blood, definitely; this can be put on clothes (Note: it might not come out, so do this with caution) and used to make scars and wounds for your face, your arms, or even your legs; Walmart sells blood in tubes for $2 or spray tubes for about $5. White, green, or brown cover up helps give an ungodly color to your skin, which is ideal; you can get a makeup cream tube for $1at Walmart. The last essential is definitely eye makeup. You don’t have to go out and spend $20 on colored contacts to make your eyes look creepy and alarming. Using dark eyeliner on your eyes and eye cream under your eyes heavily goes a far way in creating that “zombiefied” look. Masks are an alternative but can cost over $10, so to go cheaper and more creative, use makeup.
 So we covered the basics: clothes and makeup. Hopefully, this hasn’t gotten too expensive for you; if not, look into getting accessories. These all depend on what kind of zombie you are. If you’re a zombie bride, for example, a bouquet of dead looking flowers would be appropriate; you could make it with dark colored tissue paper and pipe cleaners or buy a fake bouquet, just bend the stems and pull out some of the petals. Zombies tend to be evil, so fake weapons are always a nice touch. Plastic knives, swords or butcher knifes are good and can cost between $5 and $10s, depending on where you go.
 No matter who you want to resurrect, be it the prom queen or Elvis, have fun! Get creative and really think about what your person would have if he or she ever came back to life. Like I said, stick to Goodwill and Walmart and have an idea of what you want to do before buying supplies. After some work, you will be ready for trick or treating or even for the movie premiere of Valdosta’s own “Zombieland” opening tonight.

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