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A thanks for campus awareness

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is coming to an end in a few days and has clearly been present all over our campus this month.
Flyers, Facebook invites and bake sales, as well as many other creative events, have all been planned and participated in by the VSU community in efforts to raise money and inform students.
 In lieu of these events held, we would like to take a moment and thank organizations that helped bring awareness to our VSU campus this year.
 Relay for Life, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority, the Student Government Association and other organizations have done an excellent job this month of informing our campus.
 We also want to recognize the Relay for Life activities chair, Jacquita Graham, for teaming up with these organizations and organizing events for breast cancer awareness.
 Realizing how involved our entire campus has been this entire month; we should also take this time to really think about how we are helping out.
 According to the National Cancer Institute, there are an estimated 192,370 new female cases and 1,910 new male cases in the United States in 2009.
 The National Cancer Institute also estimates that 40,170 females and 440 males have died so far from breast cancer in 2009.
 Taking all these facts into consideration, let’s think a little bit more about why breast cancer awareness should not just be dedicated to only one month.
 One month of information is taught and preached on our campus every October and then apparently forgotten about throughout the year, until someone we know is affected by it.
 Instead of us all shoving this information that we have learned off to the side or under a rug, we should consider using this information as a tool and opportunity to help save lives.
 Let’s take this education we have gained from these events and share the knowledge with others year round bringing hope and knowledge to others.
 We should remind our loved ones to get those checkups and even visit the doctor for our own well-being and health.
 Our challenge now is for everyone to take the knowledge that they’ve learned from all the events, flyers and forums and keep breast cancer awareness going.
 Knowledge is indeed power, what you do with that power is your decision. Make the right one VSU. Keep breast cancer awareness going.

This editorial was written by Danielle Everson (dveverson@valdosta.edu) and it expresses the opinion of the entire editorial staff.

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