Quorum was met, Sgt. of Arms were voted in, money was allocated, t-shirts were approved, buying ads and a finally approved SGA constitution were discussed, and a few guest speakers showed up to Monday night’s SGA meeting, which lasted for almost two hours.
Dean of Students Russ Mast started off the meeting telling SGA how much he appreciated all of the hard work from the senators and encouraged all the senators to work together. Dr. Kurt Keppler also attended the meeting, encouraging students to support athletics. Dr. Keppler was joined with Men’s Basketball Head Coach Mike Helfer and Women’s Basketball Coach Kiley Hill as they talked about the upcoming season and encouraged all students to attend the opening game Sunday at 2 p.m.
SGA also had new business of voting in two candidates for Sgt. of Arms. Ednel Saint John and John Hitso were both voted in and started their position immediately.
Vice President Chris Nish announced that SGA is accepting resumes and applications from those interested as serving as president pro tempore and parliamentarian. Nish said that resumes will be voted on at the next meeting.
Senator Ernesto Prencke presented a proposal for SGA to consider purchasing half-page Spectator ads for the year, totaling $14,000 out of their budget. Prencke explained that the ads would sponsor other student organization’s announcements, giving back to students as well as showing what happens in SGA each week. Some senators had questions and other suggestions; the proposal was then tabled, pending more information, until the next meeting.
Senator Brown gave the senate a presentation on purchasing SGA shirts. She showed the senate different styles of shirts with the SGA logo and estimated costs. The proposal for t-shirts was then voted on. SGA approved polos for $25 a person and button-down shirts for $21 a person’ this would total about $2,350 out of their budget.
Relay for Life activities chair Jacquita Graham asked SGA to help sponsor by donating $631.12 for “The Great American Smoke Out” being held on Monday Nov. 16 that will help raise awareness of lung cancer. The senate voted that they only give half the requested amount, and a motion was made to approve $315.56, which was then approved.
President Kelli Cody appointed senators to the committees of Planning and Budget University Council and Student Technology. Cody also discussed that senators are wanted to help with Staff Appreciation Day, being held Nov. 17, and the College Democrats’ upcoming event “Doughnuts with Dubois.”
SGA final approved its revisions to the SGA constitution, which students will soon have the opportunity to vote on before it is finalized.
Tags 2009-11-12 2009-2010 Danielle Everson
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