After returning from spring break and re-focusing on schoolwork, many students are now anxious for the next few weeks to fly by so summer can arrive. For most, spring break was full of fun, relaxation and reminders that the school year is almost over. Has summeritis kicked in as VSU?
Freshmen Ansley Taylor and Cindy Williams are on the fence between fun and focus. Taylor, a nursing major, and Williams, a psychology major, see the next few weeks as a time to get things done so they can do what they want. Taylor sees summer as a time to get away from school and work and spend time with her newborn niece. Both are ready for summer, but do not feel that spring break influenced how they feel about the last few weeks of the school year. Both worked and relaxed over spring break and were grateful for the time off to make some much-needed cash.
When asked if any classes on their schedule would make the wait unbearable, Williams quickly referred to her Political Science class as the one she could not wait to end, while Taylor listed both her Psychology and Statistics as her toughest to bear, but keeps the mindset of work first, play later.
Patrick Felton, sophomore criminal justice major, and his friend Stephanie Stansbury, junior sociology major, are a little more anxious for their school year to be done with. Patrick took it relatively easy this semester, but they still really want to enjoy a nice long summer with friends, family and no school.
Summeritis has varying effects on VSU students. However, it is definitely a fact that focus is something (students and teachers alike) need right now, so they can get through the rigors of class to fun in the sun.
Tags 2009-2010 2010-03-25 Von Kennedy
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