Home / Opinions / Rant and Raves: April 22, 2010

Rant and Raves: April 22, 2010

“So excited that the pedestrian mall is finally finished outside of Odum and the Student Union. It looks great! I love all the new updates to campus because it makes our campus more beautiful.”
–Ashlyn Horney, sophomore speech communication major

“I am so glad that the walkway in front of the library is now complete. I hated not being able to walk directly to the library. The finished walkway looks nice and the fact that I can walk to the library using almost any route is great.”
–Cara Heesh, junior pre-nursing major

“I hate how unreliable the buses are. I can walk to north campus and back in the time I waste waiting for the bus.”
–Ben Skender, sophomore mass media major

“I am upset with the new withdrawal policy VSU is putting into effect for the upcoming school year. The policy makers have no real reason for attempting to regulate and monitor how many withdrawals a student can have.”
–Tara Simpson, freshman political science major

“The Student Health Center takes forever if you’re trying to see a doctor.”
–Galen Smith, sophomore criminal justice major

“The Student Rec Center is very well equipped, and the people who work there are really helpful and nice.”
–Owen Shelton, senior computer science major

“As anyone in America cannot live without knowing, smoking is unhealthy to numerous degrees. We also all know that not only smoking, but having the unfortunate experience of being exposed to second-hand smoke is also (if not just as) unhealthy. Thankfully, VSU has a few regulations pertaining to smokers on campus, most of which apply to on-campus residence. They include: “smokers are expected to remain at a reasonable distance from building entrances while smoking, such that second-hand smoke does not interfere with access or the rights of others. Smokers shall dispose of cigarette and cigar butts appropriately in provided containers. Littering of cigarette butts is not acceptable.”
However, I cannot walk onto the VSU campus to attend class without walking through a cloud of smoke and step on hundreds of cigarette butts. The kicker is, the asthmatic culprits are not residents at all, but employees of either dining facilities or residence halls. And why do I see their waste lying not even 5 feet away from the receptacles? And why are these receptacles about ten yards from every major entrance of classroom building or residence hall? It seems to me that “access and rights of others” is still being interfered with. Are these rules just formalities that aren’t really being enforced? And is there really so much inconsistency with the faculty verses residents? And is there hope at all for those of us who chose not to smoke and deal with the effects on our health?”
–Sam Shouppe, Sophomore Sociology major

My van was the victim of a “hit and run” in the Sustella St. parking garage today. I am amazed that someone would do this without leaving a
note or reporting it to the police. It is no less than criminal. What has happened to common courtesy and a sense of right and wrong in
today’s society?
If anyone witnessed a white car hitting a beige Toyota van on the 3rd floor near the corner back door between 2 p.m. and 4:20 p.m. on
Tuesday, April 20th, please report that information to the VSU Police Department.
You know what is ironic? I saw the people who probably did it. They got out of their car right after I pulled into my parking space. Never would have figured you for a criminal. I have reported this to the police and they will be looking for you.
–Beth Lamber, Junior Education major

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One comment

  1. Sen. Ernest Prencke

    @ Tara:

    VSU Policy-makers ACTUALLY have a very valid reason to put the withdrawal policy in place. The policy was set up to prevent course shopping, so other freshmen (like you) can get all the courses they need. In addition, the policy was made to stop people from milking financial aid; these people sign up for classes they never intended to show up to, collect their excess checks, drop out and do the same thing all over again next semester.

    I am more than certain that you would agree 100% with this policy if you got locked out of a course you needed. Then again, what do I know, it is not like I have already graduated from VSU or anything.

    eRnie Prencke
    BBA Finance, BBA Management
    Master´s of Public Administration
    Valdosta State University

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