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Asbestos: Danger tape may have sounded false alarm

Red tape and warning signs of an asbestos hazard kept students off of the sidewalk at the College of Education Wednesday afternoon.

The tape labeled “DANGER ASBESTOS” stretched from the sidewalk running along the education building to the doors by Einstein’s Bros. Bagels.

Construction workers who are replacing roofing and carpeting in the building said that asbestos was found inside, so they are reroofing to eliminate the threat.

Donnie, a member of the construction team, said any asbestos findings within the roofing could be easily confused with the roofing felt beneath the shingles used to prevent leaks. “It ain’t nothing but your regular 15-pound felt,” Donnie said, after pulling up the roofing.

Interim President Dr. Louis Levy noted that the administration is always mindful of health concerns on campus.

“We are always careful about the safety of our students, our faculty, and our staff,” Dr. Levy said. “It is my understanding that when replacing some carpet in a classroom in the College of Education, asbestos was identified.”

Dr. Levy said the project to eliminate the threat of asbestos will continue through the spring semester, and should be finished by graduation.

The Physical Plant and Facilities Planning Department, which is responsible for most maintenance on campus, and the College of Education stated that they were unaware of any asbestos threat when contacted.

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