Home / Fall 2012 / Women are Republicans too

Women are Republicans too

As we move closer to November and the political theater intensifies; we are constantly being faced with radical new claims and accusations created by the candidates.

“The war on women,” an exaggerated and worn-out phrase by the Obama administration is used to describe the Republican Party’s attitude towards women’s rights and their involvement in politics.

This overly simplistic stance has dominated much of the recent debates that focus on only a portion of women’s issues and that work to define a woman and her views by her gender alone.

More than half the nation’s population is made up of women, so of course “women’s issues” exist and are a relevant concern. In contemporary society, women’s issues pertain solely to a woman’s sexuality, and include social topics such as abortion and birth-control. The problem with this stance on women in relation to the Republican Party lies with the assumption that all women must believe a particular way in order to justly represent their gender.

Women of the Republican Party possess views and ideas that have been shaped by their experiences and ideals, not just by their gender. A thriving economy brought on by capitalist ideals that spurs opportunity for all is a major tenet to right-winged women’s philosophy. This belief system centers on patriotism, family values, and conservative ideals.

Largely, Republican women are pro-life; and refuse to encourage throwing droves of the tax-payers’ money on programs that support abortion, such as Planned Parenthood. Such thinking largely opposes the liberal women’s only crusade; pushing abortion rights. Hence, this is why the topic is magnified in recent debates. Nevertheless, Republican women do not interpret either party as being the sole source for proper support of their gender.

For over 150 years, women have been adamantly involved in the Republican Party. Through their individual talents and combined efforts these women have shaped the party into a party of opportunity and equality.

“Women have been unfairly used as pawns in this upcoming election…You would think that the candidates would realize that 51% of the voting-bloc cares about more issues than birth control,” Sarah Herring, an economics major, said.

Herring aspires to become a member of the Republican political front. In doing so she plans to represent an image of feminist-empowerment rather than a scapegoat for the Democratic Party. Her disgust with recent debates lies with emphasis being placed on contemporary women’s issues rather than on the financial state of the union by contenders on both sides of the political spectrum.

Herring and her fellow Republican women do not oppose contraception, instead they encourage the individual to be responsible for their own actions and refuse to praise any systems that involves the federal government paying for such means; thereby, gaining more control over the private sector and individual citizen.

Women do no vote as a bloc. According to Gallup , 50% of women voters are for Obama; whereas 42% are for Romney; leaving only a mere 8% gap. In 2008, 57% of women voters favored Obama, whereas 43% favored McCain. Since 2008 Obama has been down by 6% in women’s votes.  In 2010, Women were in favor of Republicans by 49% compared to Democrats at 48%. In addition, 55% of the Tea Party’s members are women. Thus, women vote diversely, and it is senseless to pressure a single way of thinking upon them.

The desire to protect freedom and eliminate oppressive taxes is the foundation for why the Tea Party has inspired many women. Women from a variety of backgrounds have come together to support, lead, and uplift the ever-growing grassroots movements. These women are drawn to such a revolutionary theater by their moral and ethical views, as well as their yearning to fix the damages caused by the sexual revolution.

Republican women anticipate upcoming economic debates, regarding the topic as top priority. They believe this issue to be most important to all Americans. Therefore GOP candidate for Vice President, Paul Ryan, appeals to these women through his courageously hard stance on economic reform. In addition, Ryan’s Medicare premium support plan will provide women with a plethora of choices; allowing them to choose what type of healthcare they receive and from whom.

Today, Republican women who hold office encourage the growth of women in the scientific and technological professions. In addition, these women have always strove to never neglect traditional women issues, such as fair-wages and employment opportunities, and to always work productively with their Democratic counterparts.

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